Industries Power & Transport

Industrialisation Policy for a Transitioning Economy

The Industrialisation Policy for a Transitioning Economy, aimed at realizing the vision of making Tamil Nadu a $1 trillion economy by 2030, consists of six policy papers. Formulated under the mentorship of Planning Commission Members Prof. M. Vijayabaskar, Ms. Mallika Srinivasan, and Dr. T.R.B. Rajaa (now the Hon. Minister for Industries), these policy papers were submitted to the Hon. Chief Minister (2022).


Following this, various sectoral departments have either released or are currently in the process of releasing policies that align with the guidance and recommendations outlined in these papers.


Guidance by Sector

MSME Sector

Our key recommendations include the formalization of MSMEs through the creation of a digital UID for incentive access, establishing a digital platform for lenders to access MSME data, developing India’s premier digital labor exchange platform, creating a one-stop information platform for incentives and services awareness, launching grassroots campaigns in 30+ clusters for micro-enterprise support, and repurposing TNMTIPB to FaMeTN (TN MSME Facilitation Cell) for comprehensive business support, a change that has been implemented.

Based on these recommendations, The MSME department has released the Tamil Nadu Startup and Innovation Policy 2023 – View Here 


Electric Vehicles Sector

Our key recommendations include the establishment of a hi-tech industrial corridor along the Chennai-Hosur-Coimbatore belt, leveraging existing ecosystems for emerging sectors like electric vehicles (EVs). The proposal also emphasizes Industry-Academia-led research and development to establish India’s leading EV ecosystem and the creation of a specialized talent pipeline for the electric vehicle industry.

Based on these recommendations, the IIPC department has released the Tamil Nadu Electric Vehicles Policy 2023View here


Industry 4.0 Sector

We recommend developing an integrated hi-tech industrial corridor and revitalizing the Electronics Manufacturing Services (EMS) MSME cluster in Sriperumbudur. Additionally, our proposal includes expediting the Electronics Manufacturing Cluster (EMC) and establishing an Industry 4.0 (I4.0) Innovation Hub for collaborative research and development to build a leading I4.0 ecosystem. The plan also involves funding and orchestrating skill development programs through Industry-Academia collaboration to position Tamil Nadu as the I4.0 skill capital of India.

Handlooms Sector

We recommend the developing of a premiumization roadmap for 10-15 handloom products, reimagining the business model through partnerships and branding to position Co-optex as a leading brand. Our proposal also emphasizes the formalization of genuine and working handlooms and advocates for best-in-class grassroots enablement of artisans.

Based on these recommendations, Handlooms, Handicrafts, Textiles & Khadi (HHTK) Department’s policy is to be released shortly.


Textiles Sector

We recommend revitalizing over 10 existing clusters through schemes and common facilities to enhance productivity. Additionally, our suggestion is to establish 4-5 sustainable and ethically-compliant Textile Mega Parks, focusing on the development of the MMF cluster in the Petro complex and promoting research and development.

Our proposal also emphasizes creating a best-in-class ecosystem to support investments in Technical Textiles and delivering customized, industry-friendly skills to ensure the availability of skilled labor.

Based on these recommendations, the policy document is to be released shortly. 

Further, the IIPC department has introduced a Special Scheme for Technical Textiles, MMF yarn for Recycled Products, MMF Fabric and Apparel Manufacturing – View Here

Tourism Sector

Our key recommendations include – granting industry status to the Hospitality sector for growth and investments. We propose the need to develop new theme-based circuits across the State, emphasizing on targeted marketing, strategic partnerships, and improved air connectivity to attract tourists. The plan includes enhancing airport amenities to establish the state as a leading airport hub in India. Furthermore, it suggests setting up India’s first digital and data analytics hub for tourism to enable individual-level targeting and data-led decision-making for government actions. The proposal also encourages increasing the state budget and leveraging alternate funds for tourism development.

Based on these recommendations, the Tourism, Culture and Religious Endowments Department has released the TN Tourism Policy 2023 –View Here 


Year: 2022

Department: MSME, IIPC, HHTK, TCRE

Industrial economy,MSME sectorinnovation and startup policyeconomic developmentsustainable developmenttourism policyskill development