Revised Breeding Policy for Cattle and Buffalo
The policy matches the National Project for Cattle and Buffalo Breeding (NPCBB). The policy aims for the conservation of native breeds through the formation of breeders’ associations for the native breeds and the conservation of indigenous germplasm by the establishment of gene banks in the form of in-situ and ex-situ methods.
Year: 2008
Department: Animal Husbandry, Dairying, Fisheries and Fisheries Welfare Department
BreedingCattle Breed Policycross-breedRevised Breeding PolicyCattle BreedingBuffalo BreedingLivestock GeneticsAnimal HusbandryBreeding ProgramsLivestockImprovementGenetic ResourcesAnimal HealthLivestock ManagementAnimalReproductionGenetic DiversityBreeding StrategiesLivestock DevelopmentAnimal WelfareTamil Nadu policyfarmer policypolicies